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Share Your Project With Us!

Have you recently completed a project using PlasDECK materials? We would love to see the results and share your work with our friends!

Please use the following form to send us your photos and a brief project description.

"*" indicates required fields

Upload your picture in JPG or PNG format. If you'd like to send multiple pictures, please create a .zip file and send them as a single upload.

Alternatively, you may link to pictures housed on an external storage platform (DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc.) in your description above.

Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, zip, Max. file size: 64 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, zip, Max. file size: 64 MB.
The following will be used to credit your work. Leave any or all blank if you prefer we share anonymously.

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We will periodically select and feature our clients on our site and on our social media. Not all projects will be selected, but if yours is chosen, we will contact you so you can see your work on display.

Your private information will only be used to communicate with you about your project. We will never share your information with any 3rd party or add you as a recipient for promotional materials (if you have already subscribed to receive information from us, your subscription will not be affected).

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