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Boat Decking Installers in Illinois

Great Lakes Teak LLC

Chicago, IL 60603
312-473-TEAK (8325)

DISCLAIMER: This page is intended to provide a list of independent installers of our products. The companies listed are independent installers and not employees of PlasTEAK Inc. PlasTEAK Inc. does not warrant, supervise, or control the performance of any installer and we specifically disclaim any such warranty whether express or implied. PlasTEAK Inc. shall not be liable for work performed by any such independent installer. Please note this the foregoing disclaimer applies to any and all claims, damages and assessments resulting from the improper installation of PlasTEAK products, and to any other claims, damages or liabilities you may have out of your dealings with your installer.

PlasTEAK Recycled Plastic Products

Customer Service & Support

Thanks for sending the last few pieces of Fawn trim. It was just what I needed. Don’t know if you guys care much about testimonials, but just in case, I am real pleased with how everything turned out. I sent along a few pictures, it looks much better than the 20 year old carpet it replaced. As soon as the weather cools off, I will be ordering some more teak and holly PlasTEAK to finish off the forward part of the cabin. Thanks again!


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